Terms and Conditions of In Person Facility Visit
By acknowledging the terms and conditions I agree to adhere to the guidelines outlined below to protect my loved one as well as the facility staff.
I agree to the following Terms and Conditions of In Person Facility Visit:
You must wear a mask the entire duration of my visit.
You will have your temperature taken and will honestly answer the health questions prior to visiting.
The visit will be 30 minutes in duration.
You must remain in the designated visiting area.
You will be instructed to perform proper hand hygiene before visiting. The facility will provide hand sanitizer for your use.
Your visit will be supervised by an employee/volunteer of Lapeer County Medical Care Facility.
The resident will be required to wear a mask during the duration of the visit.
You cannot have physical contact with the resident.
I understand if I fail to follow the above guidelines, as established by the State of Michigan, You will be required to leave the facility immediately.